
Kiriin's new seasonal chu-hai: Strawberry

Kirin just released Strawberry flavored chuhai, a highball type drink that is very popular in Japan.  This is only available for a limited time.  It seems that recently that the major breweries are releasing a strawberry-flavored drink in the chu-hai line. 

How does Kirin Strawberry stack up to the competition and to the other flavors in their chuhai line?  It is a very drinkable drink.  When opening the can, a hit of strawberry will hit you.  The drink contains 3.2 percent strawberry juice.  You can definitely taste the strawberry.  At 5% abv, it is a drink that you can easily enjoy after a long day of work.  You will feel a little burn from the alcohol as opposed to a stronger taste of alcohol that can be found in other drinks.

If you are a fan of chuhai, you should definitely try this drink.  It is a great addition to the Kirin chuhai line.

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